Wednesday, October 29, 2014


El Porto, California
As a college student, I have had a hard time figuring out exactly where my home is. People say "home is where the heart is" or "home is wherever I'm with you." Heck, some people even say "home is where the bra comes off".... well, I happen to take my bra off in a hell of a lot of places. You can see my dilemma, right?! So over the past couple years I have really struggled trying to pinpoint exactly where my home is. After much confusion and deliberation with myself, I have finally decided where my true home is. I've realized that my home is not a house, a city, or even a place. It's not where I do my laundry, or where my mom cooks for me, or even where I go to sleep at night. Home takes on a different meaning for me. Home is where my brothers bicker, where my parents hold hands, and where my boyfriend is right by my side. It's where my girlfriends and I gather for late night talks and where we consume copious amounts of calories from baked goods. It's near the beach but also up in the mountains; in the Caribbean but also in places I've never even been. Needless to say, I don't have just one home. Simply put, home is where I'm happiest. It doesn't matter what I'm doing or where I am. What matters the most are the people I'm with and the memories made along the way. So whether your home is a place, a person, or a feeling, pursue what makes you happy and find the things that feel most like home.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Hermit Falls

 Hermit Falls: Arcadia, CA. 

Since moving to Los Angeles, I have  had a constant urge to explore my surroundings. Whether it's going out to dinner at a popular restaurant or hiking in the mountains, there is never a monotonous moment in this big city. Last spring, we took to the trails and decided to explore the San Gabriel mountains. Not knowing exactly what we would find or where we would end up, we laced up our shoes and began walking...

After taking a few questionable turns and trekking our way through the woods, we finally got a peek at Hermit Falls. The water was clear, the air was fresh, and we took in this peaceful moment by sitting on the edge of a boulder and watching nature unfold around us. This quiet moment didn't last for long, as we soon realized we had a whole playground of boulders and waterfalls waiting to be explored. Curiosity kicked in and we were soon getting lost in the creases of the mountain with the sound of rushing water filling the air around us. As the day came to a close, we vowed to visit again when the weather was nice, the water was warm, and we were craving another open air adventure.

Where It All Began

Traveling has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. The Caribbean and tropical vacations with my family will always be a part of who I am and what I love. Almost three years ago, I was blessed to find a man who loves adventuring just as much as I do... and so the journey began! I think it is safe to say that we dream about adventures a little more often than we go on them, but hey, it's still a work in progress! For our 2 year anniversary (January 2014), we decided to pack our bags and head to Catalina Island. It was the first real adventure we went on together and we haven't stopped since. Follow this blog for more pictures and paragraphs about the places we go and the trouble we get into.